Hey everyone! I'm Rynoki from Denver, Colorado (USA). I'm 20 and have been cosplaying for 7 years. This was my first time working with worbla to make an awesome character, so please enjoy.
My Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/rynoki?fref=ts Photo taken by WeNeals Photography: https://www.facebook.com/weneals?fref=ts
Name: "Xalitha"
Age: 19
Character: Ayato Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers)
hey guys~ i've been cosplaying for 7 1/2 years > u < i REALLY hope you like my cosplay, and please feel free to have a look at my page @Bella Amore Cosplay ( www.facebook.com/xalitha20 ) and / or my World Cosplay: http://worldcosplay.net/member/Xalitha
Hi, my name is Stephanie and I am from Canada. I've been a cosplayer for 7 years and I have been in cosplay contest at different cons, but never win. My cosplays are mostly hand made. This is me as the Witch King of Agmar from Lord Of The Rings. I am 29 year old. Please vote for me so my cosplay can be one of the top 3. Thank you~~~
Hi guys ! My name is Sokha and i'm 20 ! I'm from france and i'm cosplaying since the end of 2011.
Here's one of my favorite picture of my Gemini armor from Saint seiya. It was taken by AB photographie. I loved his mysterious appearance and i finally did it. Hope you'll love it guys.
You can follow my work here at Kusanagi cosplay. I'm also cosplaying Jojo's bizarre adventure, Pokemon et King of fighters :D See you !
HI! I want to share my perona cosplay with you. Its my favorite cosplay I own at the moment :D
My name is Iris, but everyone calls me Shizuka :D I'm from the Netherlands and Im 20 years old. You can find me on this cosplaypage: https://www.facebook.com/yoruplay
Photographer:A Sure Shot https://www.facebook.com/asureshot?fref=ts
We are AkuroCosplay and Frostflare from The Netherlands and Belgium. 19 years old and we are cosplaying as Naruto and Hinata from Naruto the last movie. Our pages: https://www.facebook.com/Frostflare?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/akurocosplaypage?fref=ts
Hi guys my name is Cosplay Mom (Chasity Rayne), and I am 29 years old living on the East Coast of USA. I have been cosplaying over 10 years and my boys just started to cosplay with me off and on. My passion in media are for acting, modeling and cosplaying which never gets boring. I want you to meet Misato Katsuragi cosplay of mine which is one of my favorites to cosplay. Hope you all love this and would love to see more, so Vote and Share for me if you think I should be in the EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame! My Fbook Page: http://www.facebook.com/momcosplayer
Hi! Alexandra here from the United States. I'm a 27 year old cosplayer, and I'm happy to show off my slave Twi'lek cosplay to everyone! Photographer is https://www.facebook.com/AnimazeGuyPhotosnxs My FB page is: www.facebook.com/crimsonandroses
Hmm, who shall be next...? Nanika atta ^_^, Katsune here, I'm a 28 years old cosplayer from Romania and this is my Misa Amane (Death Note) cosplay. I hope you enjoy it and if you do, go check out my page: https://www.facebook.com/KatsuneCosplay and maybe give me a like and share it :) Thanks so much!
Name: Jamie Connor Age: 21 Country: Australia Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mio-Kitsui-Cosplay/163899257114255 I've been cosplaying for 3 years now and I abosultely love it. This character is Moka Akashiya from the manga/anime Rosario喩?, she's my favourite character from the series and I hope you all like my cosplay of her. so vote and share for me please <3
Hey everyone, my name is Kate and I'm a 20 year old cosplayer from Australia. I love Danganronpa and Junko is so fun to cosplay! If you'd like to see more of my cosplays, check out my page: https://www.facebook.com/SHSLSisters Photo by Lorenzo So Photography (:
My name is Marty (alias Bones) and I??m a cosplayer from United Kingdom. I??m 19 years old. To meet new, nice people and to find wonderful friends all over the world are the best things that come with my hobby. I really love to create my own costumes, wear them, make photo shootings and create stage performances. Thank you for your vote. :3 Worldcosplay: http://worldcosplay.net/member/202102
My name is Mellie and I'm 27 yrs old from the US. I love to cosplay, I've been doing it almost a decade. This character is called Maddie Hatter, she's not a crossplay, but rather another Hatter from Hatter's village. She's my favorite to cosplay of the ones I've done so far. Her makeup is constantly changing and growing, these are 2nd versions of her so I hope you like it! Please vote and share for me if you think I should be in EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame! My Fbook Page: http://www.facebook.com/melissa.j.colon
Hello, everyone calls me Kago-chan x3 I am a 23 years old fashion-student from dì_sseldorf, germany. The character on the picture is Inuyasha in his youkai form, so free on the topx3 Together with my best friend I have a page on FB: http://www.facebook.com/horaicosplay there you can see all pictures of the shoot
Name: Destinee Bailey Age: 19 Country: United States Character: Ezio Auditore Series: Assassin's Creed Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dubtrubcosplay Vote and Share for me! I made everything from scratch. I really like how bold Ezio is which made me want to cosplay him, plus the costume makes me feel really cool. I didn't feel like crossplaying so I genderbent Ezio. I hope you enjoy. p.s. sorry for the photo being bad quality, it's the only picture of me I could find.
Hello there everyone, my name is Jessica. I'm 22 years old and I'm from the US. My entry is of my Hatsune Miku Gothic cosplay from the Project Diva games. This cosplay was completely hand sewn with anything I could make and I used no pattern when making the cosplay - or you could say I fit it to my body as I made it and would pin it into place because I don't have a mannequin to work with. I love cosplaying Miku because of how many costumes and outfits she has, and that Vocaloid or Miku can inspire so many people - it be drawing, music, cosplay, and so much more. I feel so happy when I cosplay and have so much passion for what I do. So thank you to anyone who takes a look at my entry and possibly votes or shares this. My Facebook page is----> ( https://www.facebook.com/jkCosplay2021 ) if you'd like to follow me and see future projects. Also, good luck to all the other entries on here. ^__^
Credit to the photographers who did my photos https://www.facebook.com/avagaphoto https://www.facebook.com/TheCampCosplay
My name is Lydia, my page name is Lilla Bee Cosplay and I live in Australia. This is my Sweet Pea from the movie SuckerPunch, I hope you guys like it! So, Vote and Share for me if you think I should be in the EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame! My facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/LillaBeeCosplay
Hey guys! I'm Ellen and I'm from the UK, I'm 21 and been cosplaying for just over 1 and a half years! I hope you like my Elsa coronation cosplay, it was super cold on that shoot!! But the cold never bothers Elsa!! :P Please feel free to check out more of my cosplays on my FB Page :) : https://www.facebook.com/ERHCosplay
My name is Ella Rotten and I am 24 from the United States. This is a nurse from the Silent Hill franchise. It was my first cosplay that I made by myself! My facebook page is www.facebook.com/EllaRotten
Hello! My name is Jasmin Gardien and I'm 21 years old from Australia. I've just started cosplaying last year and falling inlove with it so fast! I love to make characters come to life. Here is my cosplay of LULU from League of Legends ^-^ I love to cosplay her because she is just as fun and crazy as myself <3 <3 My Facebook Page is: https://www.facebook.com/animedreamlandutopia
Hi there, I'm AzureBlue of Royal Blue Cosplay (https://www.facebook.com/RoyalBlueCosplay)! I'm 19 and from the United States. This is my Syndra cosplay from League of Legends, a game that, like this costume, is full of fun memories for me! This was made in a frenzy of worbla burns and paint fumes in one month for Anime Expo 2014. (Thanks Brian Figueroa for a beautiful photo!)
Hey guys! My name's Shelbey and I'm 20 years old from the United States! I've been cosplaying for about 3 years and it is my absolute passion! I recently decided to try cosplaying a female version of Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul and I hope you guys like it! I'm a member of One Hell of a Cosplay Group and we would really appreciate it if you guys checked out our page! www.facebook.com/ohoacg
My Name is Cassatonic Cosplay. I am 28 and from Ontario Canada. This character is Queen Elsa from Disney's Frozen. I love cosplaying and especially love being Elsa. She can be so fun to portray this is me at a local ice carving competition. I made a Elsa winter cape so I could be out in the -21 C weather with out a coat. Vote and share this photo if you think I have what it takes to be in EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame More of my work at http://www.facebook.com/cassatonic
Hello everyone! My name is Ruth, I'm 18 and from the US. This is my crazy new cosplay of Lightning from Final Fantasy in her DLC Moogle Queen garb c: Each moogle was hand sewn from patterns I made myself and the top moogle is also sewn into the wig so he can travel with me everywhere! I also made the body suit from a stretchy purple fabric and painted on each black diamond. This cosplay took about 2 months to complete. Feel free to check out my other cosplays including one other DLC version of Lighting at https://www.facebook.com/moonlitmarathoncosplay
Heyho, we are Mari an Alex from "Moonway Cosplay" (our page: https://www.facebook.com/MoonwayCosplay - photographer: Vincent Bì_r). We are both 19, from Germany and are cosplaying since about 1 year. c: (sorry for my bad english.. ^^') I looove this "Jelsa" pairing, so we have to cosplay Jack and Elsa! ^-^ This is my 2nd Elsa cosplay, (because i don't like my fist one that much.. :D) it takes me many hours, because every tiny "stone" on the corsage is made and glued individually. D: But I love it very much, and i'm really proud! c: I hope you love this pic as much as we do! ^-^
My name is Josefine and I am a19 years old and are from Sweden and have been making my own cosplays since last year! This l character is Elsa from Frozen. She are one of my favorite characters to cosplay! So please vote and share this photo if you think I should be in the EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame!
My Facebookbook Page: https://www.facebook.com/kiratheusagii
The photographers page: https://www.facebook.com/RobertJohannessonPhotography
Hushy Plushy from USA cosplaying as Sasuke Uchiha from the anime Naruto Shippuden. Any Sasuke Fans out there? http://facebook.com/hushyplushy
Hello there, I am Kago-chan, 23 years old and I love to cosplay Inuyasha in all versions mostly the youkai version x3 I love his eyes and his fully youkai power, hope you like the picture above, it was made in germany. If you wanna see more, feel free to check our page: http://www.facebook.com/horaicosplay
Hey guys! I'm Elyon from Hungary and I'm 26. I'm cosplaying for 2 years and mostly as Disney princesses ;) Sleeping Beauty's Aurora is my favourite so far, the pink&blue effect is not photoshopped at all, the gown is gradient and it's glowing :) My facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/ElyonCosplay and the photographer is Csaba Varga. I hope you like my entry ^_~
My name is Kiki and i am age 19 from the US. I love to cosplay as accurate as possible and feel accomplished and so very excited when i do my best. This character is called Tier Halibel. She is my favorite arrancar from bleach. She is only number 3 in power yet so powerful. I really hope you guys like my cosplay and editing effects skills.. So Vote and share me if you think i should be in EZ cosplay's Hall of Fame! My Fbook page: www.facebook.com/TheRealChan
it was taken at katsucon 2015
My Name is Akakko and I am age 19 (For now) from United States. I love cosplay regardless of wether I am good at it or not. This character is called Haruhi S. I hope you guys like it. So, Vote and Share for me if you think I should be in the EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame! My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/amy.chapman.5268
Cosplayer: Shiny Cosplay Age: 22 Country: United States Character: Grell Sutcliff from Black Butler Photo Credits: Sumiko.foto Photography Grell has been one of my most favorite characters so I thought I would bring him to life! Hope you all enjoy!
My name is Kiki and i am age 19 from the US. I love to cosplay as accurate as possible and feel accomplished and so very excited when i do my best. This character is called Tier Halibel. She is my favorite arrancar from bleach. She is only number 3 in power yet so powerful. I really hope you guys like my cosplay and editing effects skills.. So Vote and share me if you think I should be in EZ cosplay's Hall of Fame! My Fbook page: www.facebook.com/TheRealChan
Hello Guys, I am Ajia! I am 19 and originally from Turkey but currently living in United States. I love cosplaying and since Elsa is one of my sisters favorite characters I decided to cosplay her male version! Hope you guys like it and please vote and share! Love you all! Almost forgot if you want to check out more of my cosplays here's my page: https://www.facebook.com/AjiaTaigaCosplay
This is my fist time cosplaying, and I think I did really good for my first time :)
My name is Christopher Furlow and I am age 22 from Cedar City, Ut, USA. This is my Dante costume from Devil May Cry 3. I hope you all love it.