Hi. My name is Beki, I am 21 and from the UK.
This is my cosplay of C.C. from Code Geass. I have many version of C.C. planned but this is the first one I have had a chance to take pictures of. I took these photos myself, so let me know what you think.
My page is: https://www.facebook.com/FudgemonkeyArtAndCosplay
My Name is Lizandra Hermansson and I am 19 years old from Sweden. I love cosplay and am so into it. This character is called Princess Serenity, She is my favorite character and I hope you guys also likes it. So, Vote and Share for me if you think I should be in the EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame!
My Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MizzpigCosplay?ref=hl
Photographers page: https://www.facebook.com/RobertJohannessonPhotography?fref=ts
"I'll fight, shooting for your heart. I'll tear the night apart. The love of ours that I once cherished just became a war!!"
Hi!! My name is Sarah!! I am a 20 year old cosplayer from the beautiful land down under, Australia! <3 I love cosplay and I handmake pretty much all of my costumes! This is my Miku Hatsune Love Is War ver, if you guys like it please come see me at my page ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/Smi-Smi-Cosplay/225637124182555 ) Give it a like and come say hi! If you love this costume as much as I do please share/vote for me <3
My name is Edgar Garza and I am 22 from the United States. I love to cosplay. This character is called Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, he is my favorite character from the series Bleach. So, Vote and Share for me :)
Hey, my name is Ines, I'm 21 years old and from Austria. This character is from Oboro Muramasa and she's called Momohime. Picture was taken by So Say We All (https://www.facebook.com/sosayweallfaramon?fref=ts). I hope you like the work we've done together :D Please Vote and Share for me, it'd be so much honor to join the EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame! :3 My Facebook-Page: https://www.facebook.com/akainess?fref=ts
Hi there! My name is Donttouchmymilk Cosplay. I'm 27 years old, and am from the United States. This is my cosplay of the Sugarplum Fairy from Cabin in the Woods. I LOVED making this costume. The face prosthetic took a while to create, but I enjoyed every moment of it. Although I love making all types of cosplay, horror and makeup intensive costumes have always been my favorite! I hope you enjoy. :D My Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/DonttouchmymilkCosplay The photographer can be found at https://www.facebook.com/AnimazeGuyPhotosnxs
Hi guys! I'm Abbey, cosplayer from Hungary ^^ I'm resolute and big dreamer. I really love to create my own cosplays and I really like wear them<3 :) If you want to see my works check my page: http://www.facebook.com/enmacosplay hughug
Hey there ;D Name: Crazy-Kiwii (http://www.facebook.com/CrazyKiwii) Age: 22 from: Germany Character: Alice Anime: Pandora Hearts Picture taken by Cosplay Hunter and edited by me ;)
Hello my name is Renee! I'm a cosplayer from Australia! My cosplay page is called Rei Ushi ( www.facebook.com/ReiUshi) if you are interested in following my work! This amazing photo is by James Niland! Thank you so much in advance for voting for me! <3
Hey guys! My name is Sara Mora, My cosplay name is Wrath of Sara Cosplay. I live in Denver, Colorado in the United States. I love anime, Marvel comics, vampire books, and cats! I've worked so hard on my latest Hit Girl cosplay. I'd love to see some likes' on this Kickass cosplay. ^.^
i'm a cosplayer, 23 years old and I will become Hokage :3
Hi ! My Name is Andrea and I am age 19 from Italy. I love Dragonball Z so i decide to do this cosplay. Here is my Trunks SSJ version from OAV 9. He is my favourite character and I hope you guys also likes it. So, Vote and Share for me if you think I should be in the EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame! Here is my profile if like my cosplays you can add me :D https://www.facebook.com/andrea.pastore.157
Asuna Sword Art Online
I'm Sapphire ELF (aka Ellie Lynn Fitz), I'm 25 and from the United States. I've been cosplaying for 7 years and this was my first time using foam for one of my cosplays. It was fun creating Asuna from Sword Art Online, She's such a strong character and I wanted to embody that. My FB page: https://www.facebook.com/CosplayElf So, Vote and Share for me if you think I should be in the EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame!
Hi hi~ I'm Moko from Australia (23yo), and this is my original white lolita ver of Chii, featuring my custom made doll~ (which is based off the picture book she reads in the manga) The dress design was based off the matching black one my friend Lunaren had for Freya, and made with an existing corset as a base; the doll was made with really soft mink and felt and took quite a lot of trial and error, but was worth it n the end~~ You can see the full outfit in an album on my page: www.facebook.com/moko63cosplayer.model This lovely photo is snapped by the talented Nguyen, whose website is here: nguyendang.format.com
My Name is Lonzdale, I am 19 from Australia. and this is my Sailor Saturn cosplay. She's my favourite cosplay I've made to date, though I'm still altering her! She is one of my favourite Sailor Moon characters and I hope you guys love her as much as I do! So, Vote and Share for me if you think I should be in the EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame! My Fbook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lonzdale.cosplay Staff makers page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dylfunkle/ Photgraphers page: https://www.facebook.com/gotsuperpowers
Thank you!
Hello! I'm Anya and I'm an 18 year old cosplayer from Australia! This is my cosplay of Asuna from Sword Art Online that I made by myself ^-^ Please feel free to check out more of my costumes at http://facebook.com/AnyaKimochi and videos at www.youtube.com/DatAsianChickX3
My Name is Shadow and I am age 21 from The Netherlands. I tottally love cosplay and I'ts my biggest passion. This character is called Suzaku kururugi from Code geass , He is my favourite character because he cares alot about his closest ones and will do anything to protect them from harm, like an real knight. I hope you guys like this picture which is made by my dear brother . So please , Vote and Share for me if you think I should be in the EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame!
My Fbook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Shadowmusicstar
My name is Gina. I just turned 27 years old, and I am from the U.S.A. The character I am representing in this picture is Lavie Head from Last Exile. I love to cosplay and create costumes, so I hope that you like the picture and vote for me! My official facebook cosplay page is: https://www.facebook.com/gigicosplay?ref=hl
I'm Sara, from Italy. My FB page: http://www.facebook.com/twiggycosplay. I hope you like my Gogo. I love this character. Evil... but cute. :) I had fun creating the weapon and testing my sewing skills.
Taken by WeNeals photography and retouching hello my name is andrew and i am a 22 year old cosplayer from colorado. I thought I would enter this contest as my favorite character from One Piece Sanji. If you like this image and want to see more of my cosplays please visit and like my cosplay page. . https://www.facebook.com/pages/Andrew-Purslow-Cosplay-Page/240853875954192
Hey sweeties ?a′ My name is Anata! I'm a 21 year old from Germany and totally love cosplaying my favorite characters x3 I do love to cosplay from games as you have the opportunity to combine sewing and crafting aspects almost as much as you like, but i also do anime cosplay :3 However, this character is a Norn Necromancer from the game Guild Wars 2 and she is one of my customized characters! It is a so called "Primitive Armor" and the staff is a "Pact Quarterstaff" :3 I hope you like this cosplay! It's the first "different make-up" i ever did and had so much fun with cosplaying a "creepy" character x3 Please feel free to check out my Facebookpage: www.facebook.com/anatacosplay Likes and Shares are also much appreciated x)
Hi everyone, I'm NebulaNeko Cosplay! I'm 20 years old from the United States. I'm cosplaying as Nonon Jakuzure from Kill la Kill. I love her character! Vote and share if you like my cosplay and check out my other stuff on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NebulaNeko
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider Reboot Kanracakes [www.facebook.com/kanracakes] Photo [www.facebook.com/missmallophoto]
I am Kanra / Ashley and I am 24 years old from the United States. I've been cosplaying for about 3 years and Lara has been my favorite cosplay this far. I love working on the make up for her. This shoot was so fun! Thank you. :)
Hello! My Name is Arizzel. I am 25 from the United States. The video game series: The Legend of Zelda and the character: Midna, was a huge inspiration to start cosplaying. Hope you guys enjoy my tribute! Thank you! FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/arizzelcosplay
the photo is made by velvet arts two young great film photograpers. they make pics and awsome cmv's
Charater: Balder Serie: Kamigami no asobi Cosplayer: Shiro seragaki Photographer: Velvet Art
Hi my name is Lucy, i'm 18 years old i am from Australia, i have been cosplaying for a while now and i just love it, The character i am cosplaying is Sakura Hauno from Naruto, i hope you like the cosplay !
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lucy.sheehy.1
Heyhey~ I'm Kishi! A 19 year old coser from the UK. This is my cosplay of Annie from League of Legends. I hope you like it!
My page is: https://www.facebook.com/kishichu
Photo by VH-Visions (https://www.facebook.com/vh.visions?fref=ts)
My name is Kiki and i am age 19 from the US. I love to cosplay as accurate as possible and feel accomplished and so very excited when i do my best. This character is called Tier Halibel. She is my favorite arrancar from bleach. She is only number 3 in power yet so powerful. The character on the right is my friend Candace who is cosplaying Pain from FFX-2. I really hope you guys like my cosplay and editing effects skills.. So Vote and share us if you think we should be in EZ cosplay's Hall of Fame! My Fbook page: www.facebook.com/TheRealChan Candace's Fbook page:https://www.facebook.com/candace.walker.18?fref=ts
Hello~ my name is Raina and I am an Australian Cosplayer from Melbourne! I am 23 years old and have always been a big fan of anime, manga and Japanese culture! I got into Fairy Tail when the manga was first published in 2008~ and more so when the anime came out. I adore Lucy's character and her outfits are always so adorable. I always have a lot of fun when I go out wearing this cosplay~! My cosplay profile is PantherLily Cosplay, and I've been rocking out the costumes since 2011~ My page can be found here~ https://www.facebook.com/pages/PantherLily-Cosplay/440190606041379 Thank you all for your support and your votes!
Name: Soleil URL: facebook.com/SoleilCosplay Country: USA Age: 26 Character: Winter Soldier MCU
I wanted to cosplay Bucky as WS without changing any of it into a genderbent version, so I decided to just try and be as screen accurate as I could.
I'm 23 years old and I'm a cosplayer from Austria. I created this cosplay half a year ago. It's Benisuzume from Knights of Sidonia. My favorite characters have a tragic background and so is hers. Tsutomu Nihei is one of my absolute favorite mangakas and so I choose to create this cosplay by myself. If yyou want to see more of my work, visit my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Ichi.Cosplays
photographer: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cloud-Dark-Cosplay/241619032708409?fref=ts
It is Jeff the Killer cosplay I had to brighten it a little using a filter but then you couldn't see the eyes so I used an app on my phone to put the eyes in so my final piece
Hello there ^-^! My name is Cassidy (Cosplayer Nanami), I'm 20 years old and from Canada! This is a rendition of a Princess Zelda and Link hybrid cosplay, more specifically from Ocarina of Time. I hope you guys enjoy it, thank you! :) Feel free to check out my cosplay page: https://www.facebook.com/cscosplayy The photographer of this awesome photo: ThinkNu (https://www.facebook.com/think.nu.official)
See more of my cosplays on my page: https://www.facebook.com/sandycosplaycandy
Hello, my name is Katrina Miller and I am 25 years old from the United States. I go by the name Rurounichan on most sites and I've been cosplaying since 2006. So far through my adventures of cosplaying, I've been improving on my make-up, sewing, and prop-making skills. I just love bringing the characters I cosplay to life. Aoba Seragaki from DRAMAtical Murder is a prime example. The headphones I'm wearing can allow you to listen to music(mostly Goatbed), the watch I'm wearing gives me the correct time, and the Brain Nuts jacket keeps me warm and cozy. If you like DRAMAtical Murder as much as I do, please vote and share my Aoba cosplay. You can also follow my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/RurounichanCosplay
Hi everyone I'm Sammie Meganekko! I am 21 years old from the U.S.(Texas). I'm cosplaying Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon. I decided to do the manga version since my hair is already purple so it worked out perfectly. Sailor Mars is one of my favorite cosplays. Please stop by my page sometime ok?^_^ https://www.facebook.com/sammiemeganekko
Hi <3 I'm Clara,age 18 from a sunny little country called Singapore~ This is my cosplay of Amatsukaze from kantai collection . Photo taken by ACYZ photography Hope you guys like it and feel free to check out my page :http://www.facebook.com/Clarabelle.loft96
This is a photo of me with my twin brother cosplaying both as Ezio, please share and like us! :)
Hello, my name is Lisa Barga and I am 23 years old. I am from the United States. My hobby is cosplaying and being with the people i care about. The characters i am cosplaying is Kallen from Code Geass! Kallen is one of my favorite anime characters because she really awesome . I hope you guys also likes it. So, Vote and Share for me if you think I should be in the EZCOSPLAY's Hall of Fame! My Fbook Page: https://www.facebook.com/elizabethcosplayer1232
My name is Brodie Genge, I am 19 from Australia. I am so enthusiastic about cosplay that I don't care if people think I am weird for doing it. My character is called Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days, this costume is the first one that I have ever made. I hope that you will vote for this pic and Share not mainly for EZCOSPLAY's hall of fame, but so I can get to know more people. My facebook cosplay page is https://www.facebook.com/Cosplayisnotnerdy