Spring Has Come

Name: Talfryn; Age: 28; Country: USA; Character: Euphemia Li Britannia from Code Geass; Profile URL: http://talfryn.deviantart.com/; Caption: I would like to share amazing Poems of Inspiration by http://god21.net/ with the theme of this cosplay:

Spring has come, it has come. To the beautiful land of Korea, far and wide, the new spring has come.

Spring has come, flowers have blossomed, and my dear Love??as face has also blossomed. Holding my dear Love??as hand, I go out for a spring outing. Forsythias have bloomed, Magnolias have bloomed, and all the spring flowers have bloomed.

Ah, if the spring were to leave, all of the spring flowers would wither. Then what would I do, since there would be no flowers?

Right, right, that??as right.

At that time, my dear Love??as face would burst into bloom even more, so while looking at my dear Love??as face, which keeps smiling, for a late-spring outing, I will leave to the far, far southern country which is drenched with sorrow and has been waiting for ages.